Day 4 Practice: Another Way
“To become a different kind of person is to experience the world in a different way. When your mind changes, the world changes. And when you respond differently to the world, the world usually responds differently to you.”
To follow up on the practice of questioning, I propose ... could there be another way? Another way to respond or react in our moments… another way of understanding or knowing… another way moving from assumptions or expectations… another way of holding uncertainty… another way of being when things aren’t going our way? Could we develop a new relationship to life by looking from an alternative perspective, a different lens? Could we cultivate a different relationship to ourselves, our belief system, habits, and patterns? Could it be possible to not be so critical of ourselves, to not be a jerk to ourselves all the time? What if we didn’t always to buy into what society is telling us, buy into a particular story line?
Yes, all this is possible AND this is how our lives change. I once heard miracles defined as simply a shift in perspective. It's not so much about what's happening but rather how we relate to what's happening. And all these questions posed point us towards new possibilities. We can find another way to relate to ourselves, to others, and to our lives. We can find another way to interact and respond that is different from the past. We can find another way to connect with those we disagree with, another way to hold each other, to be with each other in this world we share.
One of the most transformational reflections I have found in exploring another way has been to consider: If I were to assume a positive outcome, how would my behavior change? How would my thoughts, actions and words change coming from a space of positivity? Talk about a shift in perspective?!?!
So today I invite you to explore possibility of another way… another to hold your moments; another way to be with your thoughts and reactions; another way to hold uncertainty and not knowing; another way to interact with the challenging person in your life; another way to respond with grace and understanding rather than react habitually; another way to respond through allowance and acceptance, respond with more compassion, patience, and of course heart. There can be another way to hold this experience of being human and in doing so, we create spaciousness and freedom… breath by breath, moment by moment, response by response. So today, may we find another way through our own heart and presence.
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”
“People may spend their whole lives climbing the ladder of success only to find, once they reach the top, that the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall.”
“Wisdom is seeing things differently. ”
“When we are clear and sure about what we are doing, we are less open to the many other possibilities available. But when we let ourselves hang out in the space of not-knowing, there is enormous potential and life could unfold in innumerable ways. So rather than avoid and fear this place of uncertainty, we can embrace it and all its gifts.”
“In moments of upheaval and uncertainty, there’s clarity and knowledge and perspective to be gained, but we have to live into those possibilities.”
“I meet limited circumstances with unlimited thoughts.”
“Insight is simply a shift in perspective.”
“Spontaneity is being present in the present.”
“What stands in the way becomes the way.”