The practice: generosity and grace

 “Forgiving others means that you let go of the agreement that they or their actions have power over you.” Karen Russo 

Daily Reflection: What does generosity and grace mean right now in this moment we find ourselves in? One flavor of generosity that I have been working with over the past few months is extending the most generous interpretation possible to the intentions, words and actions of others. 2020 was a year of tremendous change, filled with uncertainty and not knowing, and it took a toll on us mentally, physically, and emotionally. It is easy to understand why many of us are reactive, often caught in a limbic response. There have been many moments when I was not at my best in relationship (I try my best to recognize this and make amends where needed). Through this perspective and understanding, may we extend the benefit of the doubt that we are all doing the best we can? Can we have the graciousness to practice forgiveness and compassion, especially self-compassion in these difficult moments? Generosity and grace are qualities that we can cultivate and share. So, today maybe try extending the benefit of the doubt to yourself and others, extending the most generous interpretations of actions while sharing grace in believing we are all doing our best.

“Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.” HH Dalai Lama

Meditation Challenge: Practice GIVE

GIVE is a powerful practice I have recently embraced each morning upon waking. Instead of grabbing my phone first thing, I take a moment to GIVE as a way of starting my day off in the right direction:

G: Gratitude… reflecting, remembering and appreciating the goodness in life, all that sustains us.

I: Intention… is our way of being in the moment. So, how do you wish to be today? Who do you wish to be? What might be a helpful way of being today?

V: Visualization… can you picture yourself living from gratitude and intention today?  Picture how you want your day to go today and who you want to be… being present, joyful, content, brave, worthy, or optimistic.  The choice is up to you.

E: Enroll… who can you enroll today to help make this all come to fruition? Do you enroll yourself… being more present, open or receptive?  Or do you enroll others: loved ones, family, friends or inspirational teachers? Maybe it is taking the time to get outside in nature, breathing the fresh air, reading something inspiration, or listen to a meaningful podcast. Again, the choice is yours.

Try GIVE each morning and see what happens.

“Others will be swept up in fear; I will keep my heart steady and clear; Others will be greedy; I will be generous. Others will be angry; I will practice love; Others will be clinging and attached; I will keep myself open; Others will forget; I will remember what really matters.” Buddha 


The practice: begin again


The practice: finding inspiration and meaning