Curiosity Creates Connection


What is curiosity?  For starters, it is a fundamental piece of mindfulness. Curiosity is our desire to know more deeply, more fully and more honestly.  It is our willingness to be open minded and see our lives from a different perspective, the potential for a new outlook to life.  My teacher says a miracle is simply a shift in perspective…. talk about a shift in perspective for me???    

 So, what parts of our lives are we willing to look with fresh eyes, to bring forth more interest and curious? Could we bring more interest and care to the parts of our lives that are sticky, the parts where we always seem to get tangled up?  The parts of our lives where we are not always willing to look at, the parts of ourselves that we are unwilling to feel?  Could we bring this interest and care to the parts of our ourselves that we tend to reject, even tend t push away?  No amount of change, no amount of growing or transformation can occur without our willingness to be curious and ask questions. 

This past week I had the tremendous opportunity to be a part of a retreat in Mexico led by my teacher Cynthia LaRoche and dear friend Angela Goodstein in Chacala, Mexico. It was my second year guiding the meditation portion of the retreat.  We were together with 21 amazing souls who showed up big with their hearts and with their willingness to learn… to be curious… with themselves and with each other. I cannot express the heartfelt connections that were created during these 6 days together. And in my opinion, this all stemmed from their willingness to be open hearted and open minded… having the courage to be vulnerable with one another, to be present, open and receptive.  To look into one another’s eyes and speak and share their truth.  They say presence is the greatest agent for change, but it too is the greatest gift we can give one another.  There was a lot of gift giving on this retreat.  

 Someone wise what said the quality of our lives is directly to the quality of the questions we ask.

 With that said, I wish you offer the following reflection as either a writing exercise or a seated meditation (this will soon be available on my website as a guided meditation for you to explore and enjoy):

 What happens when we become more mindfulness?

·      What is revealed when you take time to experience stillness?  

·      What is revealed when you pause to feel your feet on the ground and take a few cleansing breaths?

·      What is revealed when you turn your gaze inward?

·      What is revealed when you have the courage to turn towards rather than turn away?

·      What is revealed when you choose your breath over a reactive mind?

·      What is revealed when you sit so still you can feel your own heartbeat?

·      What is revealed when turn inward?

·      What is revealed when you loosen your grip that you normally hold onto life with?

·      What is revealed when you choose forgiveness and understanding over anger or resentment?

·      What is revealed when you trust instead of forcing your way through?

·      What is revealed when you soften instead harden?

·      What is revealed when you choose connection over conflict?

·      What is revealed when you live your truth?

·      What is revealed when you rest in your being rather than rely on your doing? 

·      What is revealed when you choose compassion over contempt?

·      What is revealed when you release the anxiety of imperfection?

·      What is revealed when you quiet your mind and tend to your heart?

·      What is revealed when you choose love over fear?

·      What is revealed when you assume a positive outcome?

·      What is revealed when you assume your worthiness?

·      What is revealed when you live from your heart?

·      What is revealed when you are PRESENT?

Curiosity is a superpower.  It creates connection to our present moments, to each other and to ourselves.  It provides us with a deep knowing… knowing and understanding ourselves in a more intimate and loving way. Because if I don’t understand myself, how could I ever understand you?  And I don’t love myself, how could I possibly love you? 



RAIN Practice


Questions for Connection