Stop Practice


It just takes a moment to change the course of our day and one of my personal favorites for all ages especially when we are feeling a bit stuck or reactive is the STOP practice… a simple yet powerful acronym to help bring us back to the present moment.

  • S stands for STOP: we stop and pause,, maybe feeling our feet on the floor to help us feel grounded

  • T stands for TAKE A BREATH: slow down and feel breath, maybe deepening the inhale, lengthening the exhale

  • O stands for OBSERVE: Observe how you are feeling on the inside; what’s happening in the body (sensations, emotions or feelings) rather than the stories in the mind.

  • P stands for PROCEED: Proceed in a a way that is helpful or skillful which sometimes means taking a few more deep breathes.

A simple yet powerful practice that helps us move from contraction and confusion into connection and presence. Give it a try!


Breathing Techniques

